Sunday, May 30, 2010

The 12 sins, devided in 3

Everyone is known with 7 sins, but in reality there are 5 forgotten sins, that are the same heavy.
Problem was with the Old Heavens, that not all sins could be beaten and would result again into a war, because a hidden aspect of a sin would rise up and make from Heaven a Hell again, because creatures intending to fall easy back, when in Eternity everyone did forget about the mistakes of the ancient generations and everytime there had to be cleaned on cost of everyone and everything.

To solve this problem we did find the lost 5 sins and went through all the worlds to save the lost souls from their sin, so we could create the perfect solution. a world of 3, where in groups of 4 sins, each sin would be on its place and would harm no one anymore, but just did get everyone fulfilled, so nobody in Eternity would depend on their sins anymore and can live a fully happy life.

This is how it is devided:

1. As Celestial being, where they hibernate, or wake up, eat, play until they fall asleep again and get frozen as photo on the time-axe, while their physical bodies become planets or stars.
Sins placed in this environment: Rage-Gluttony-Envy-Murder
Because the Celestials like the Barongs have undestructable bodies, they can play their favorite games "Kill me!", "Eat me!" and "Forever war!". For them it is just a game, because their bodies is made out of pure lava, fire and rock and because they are children and sexless, they will have during their awakening the most fun of all and get all these sins out of their physical and celestial system.

2.During their hibernation, they are in their dreams on a forever holiday as any creature they like to be. Sind belonging to here are: Greed - Sloth - Defamation - Crave, where all can be fulfilled during their eternal holiday and get everything they need and want with minimum amount of work, so all these sins, that needs as solution fullfilling by abundance.

3.During play their souls make eternal love to each other anyway they want in humanoid form, until they fall into hibernation again. here the following sins are the best to execute:
Pride-Vanity-Lust-Love, so everyone feels fulfilled without being hurt, for they will get the bodies and partners as they want and how much they want and need it, only during the lovemaking. The lovemaking stops when the Celestial Radong starts to hibernate again, so there will never be a risk, that one of the worlds go accidently over into another.

This was the final solution that was found by Di Able DeVille and [UNITY], that later will transform into [FREEDOM], when she will be crowned Queen of her People.
In the end, so called 'evil' can only be fulfilled, when our sins are fulfilled the right way, so we never have to hurt each other again. Every time a small amount of time in reality, where we do build our world bit by bit and during hibernation and celestial an eternal time to get rid and fulfill our sins, for we are addicted to them so much.