Saturday, May 22, 2010

Green water: The new generation dishwashers

Dishwashers aren’t eco-friendly no matter how you look at it and claim how little water it uses – doing the job manually still beats it hands-down in terms of being green, but do you have the time to make those dishes squeaky clean after a long, hard day at the office or entertaining a large group of friends? The Eco-Friendly Steam Dishwasher concept claims to address this issue by being small enough to fit on a kitchen counter, where it will utilize pressurized steam to dislodge food particles while sanitizing them simultaneously. All you need to do after that is perform a hearty rinse and you’re good to go. Water used in the steam and rinsing processes will be collected in the recycling bay, where it will use “Membrane Technology” to separate food particles and grime from the water, letting you use it for the next wash.