For adults time seems to move fast, and even speed up a bit over the years. But I would have thought that being unemployed and dealing with my pain would have slowed it down some. I'm a little surprised at how quickly time is still moving. Perhaps it continues at a clip because taking care of myself and my housewife duties is actually the equivalent of full time work.
As I stop and think about this I'm realizing that I do fill my time well with positive stuff. There is the obvious productivity of household chores (dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc.). More recently I've been spending a good amount of time educating myself about better eating and searching out good recipes. This blog and the connections I'm making participating in Chronic Babes have been a wonderful personal boost. I still manage to read for entertainment. And when my husband is around we do stuff together.
As I think about my time I see that my life is pretty good despite the hurdles I'm presently struggling with. So I'm setting an intention for my life today: To find/regain/reestablish my creativity that seems to have disappeared as a result of the pain and/or medications. I really do miss participating in a creative process and would just love to do so again.