I love mornings - always have. When I'm up early I feel like I get more done, have more energy and am more together/organized. Mornings have always been my time to think about the day to come, to get ready, watch some news, have some breakfast and be alone. I continued to enjoy my mornings even after the sharp increase in my migraines, but when I stopped working I began to lose this time.
When my migraines increased I found that I just needed more sleep. It became more difficult to get up at my usual early hour, but I still really needed that time for myself. In the past two yeas since I've stopped working I've found myself sleeping until 7:30 or 8:30 in the morning. Absolutely unheard of, even when I was a teenager. Surprisingly I'm not beating myself up over it, but I do miss my morning time.
I tried to recreate my mornings, just a little later in the morning, but it didn't work because now I get up about the time my husband does. There is a whole new routine now in the mornings. He has priority in the shower and such because he has a job to get to. So I end up fixing breakfast and making a lunch for him to take and I do some cleaning and such until he leaves. Then I spend the entire day alone. We've moved around so much and right now we live someplace so big, and I don't have work so I just don't have things to do or people to see outside of my housewife stuff and doctor visits. My life is so different now that I just don't need my morning time the way I used to, but I miss it all the same. Perhaps mostly because I miss the involved active days of years past.
I still consider myself a morning person but I guess, like so many other aspects of life with chronic pain, I've had to redefine how it manifests in my life.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Has it had to change with your health?