Here are some current tools I use for comfort when I'm having a high pain day...
1. Pillows: I have lots of fluffy, soft pillows around the house - very handy when it hurts even to use my neck muscles to hold up my head.
2. Christmas lights: I strung some Christmas lights around our bedroom. It provides a much more tolerable level of light throughout the room without the focused source of our lamps, which can feel harsh even with 40 watt bulbs.
3. Ativan: When the pain is intolerable I can take this with my other rescue medications and it will knock me out. Sometimes it is just better to sleep while the meds do their thing. I don't use it often, but am comforted just knowing it's available.
4. Heat: I know cold is supposed to be what you use on a migraine, but cold makes my body very tense and actually causes pain. I am comforted by warmth, especially by breathing in warm air. Often I'll cover my head with a blanket, the wonderful dark warm comfort!
5. Room darkening curtains: I've been very light sensitive since I was quite young (probably because I've had migraines since I was quite young). These room curtains do such a great job of blocking out most of the sunlight on really sunny days, which is such a big comfort. It allows me to do more than I otherwise could while in pain.
Gosh, I sorta thought this list would be longer when I got started. Oh well, maybe I'll find more tools of comfort along the way. What are your tools?