For the rest in color and without any difference than the ordinary view most human beings see through their normally pair of eyes. Further the view can be a view of the past, the present or of the future and also nightview is possible in this matter. The 3rd eye has those extra abilities, because it is part of the sixth sense and it is a standard for each alive being built in as warning mechanism for danger. This is the sixth sense that most mankind did forget and by forgetting it, mankind lost the know how, how to use it, .
Different than mindreading or receiving mind waves, the 3rd eye really works as an eye.
When you close both your 2 eyes, concentrate on the middle centre of your front head and try to open your 3rd eye, by just opening it. That is how at least it should feel like. Going out from the present, when you are opening your 2 eyes, you should see the same image as your third eye sees. This is different than mindwaves, because those are projected images and those are not always reliable, because someone who is trained enough can change and manipulate the vision.
When it is a view from the future, you by instinct know about it. Like an alarm signal going inside your head off, telling: future. No other way it can be percepted. That would be just guessing or logical thinking of consequences of some actions done. Past views mostly appear only in dreams or anyway as a glimps of a dreamy feeling, like a lost piece of memory, or sometimes like a deja-vu.
Only trusting in your basic instincts and practising would help, to learn to use and open your 3rd eye, than again I was born with the knowledge already in me and by nature know how to use these sentences in my benefit, pure by instinct. I for that matter, not really in the position to learn others how to use it, because I would not know how it would be without. Only since a year or 5 I understand ordinary mankind do not have these abilities as it seems, build in, as it is with me. Before I always thought everybody has the same perceptions as I do, by using my sixth sense in full awareness. Some people not even aware they are sensitive for it, like they feel sudden chills or reactions like that. That is your body telling you about something, that your sixth sense does feel or is aware of, like something bad going to happen or some energy movement, because someone else did lost a lot of energy etc.
What would be better is to learn our children to live with it and become aware of it, as I did, so at least they can benefit from these abilities. Than again, grown ups nowadays are as selfish children themselves. How many of you would want these natural gifts and abilities to have for free for your own children? Not many, because you just too jeaulous or envy or for any other matter, make up excuses to deny your future blood to have access to their natural roots again.