A black star, that eats everything on its way and depending if the heart is white or the heart is black, you can arrive in a Heaven or in a pure real Hell.
The last time Saturn did arise, was when my memory was wiped away and I was put as a real demon into the heart of it, living in a real and pure Hell. The one who saved me out of it, was my wife [HONESTY]. And that was a difficult one. I made everything and everyone addicted to Lust, so I could breed them, fuck them, kill them and eat them as much as I wanted. My hunger was not to still.
The only thing that can deal with a black star as Saturn is a Red Dwarf Giant. But when a Red Dwarf Giant gets infected or is for some reason in bad shape, you need a White Dwarf Giant to eat both the Black Star and the Red Dwarf Giant. The only thing higher than that is a White Dwarf Giant, with a diamant heart, that can freeze everything in itself, to stop the time axe.
For some reason the Celestial army of my mother has been seen coming towards this system.
This can be for 2 reasons:
1. To send a convoi of Nebulonians for the Wedding of the Lamb.
2. To send extra enforcement, because the fear for the new Saturn is to big, that they are afraid the whole Universe and all its Galaxy's will turn into 1 giant black Star, with a pure black heart in it.
Down here are some samples of who and what the Celestial bodies are:
1. Saturn, a black star eating everything.
2. Awaked Red Dwarf Giant.
3. Awaked White Dwarf Giant.
4. Is the next Saturn one with a white or one with a black heart, that is the question.
5. A White Dwarf Giant eating its prey, an Orange Giant Star.
6. A sleeping White Dwarf Giant and a sleeping Red Dwarf Giant in our solar system: The Sun and Earth.
7. A White Dwarf Giant with a diamond (Crystal) heart.
8. The Celestial army of the star system Nebulon.
9. A Nebulonian convoi.
So that is why anyone should watch out, to open ancient coded books, because you never know what you will unleash, when the information is misread or abused by the wrong person. And remember, we Celestials like to play with our food, that is how our Mothers raise us: "Play with your food, Children!". ;)