The Wisdom of King Salomon:
Than there was Slava, the dog who thought she is a human and a sorcerer, an alchemist.
It was Able DeVille, who did understand, who he really was and by using his mind and deviding the road prepared to heal Slava according the laws of King Solomon, he could get Slava out of the Dungeon, where he first was locked together with Able DeVille, where the worst cases of mental ill are locked and hidden, with only treatment of heavy drugs and electroshock therapy.
He convinced Slava to look at other possibilities and what is really important, by denying the power, he thought he had as sorcerer. It was Slava who tried by whispering to Able DeVille, that he did know that Able DeVille was fallen and will be locked up in Hell forever.
It was Able DeVille that proofed him wrong by going out to the free rooms after 3 days of staying in the clinic and from there going after 1 night to the upper terraces, where the exit to go out is the next step to follow. The only way for Slava to keep track on Able DeVille, was to follow him and even when he did bother DeVille in one of his last nights, after talking to the mother of Slava, DeVille did know he did do the right thing and Slava Zack would be soon a free healthy man, able to accept he will live now a life as a male human being.