Sunday, May 30, 2010

Environment lessons II: How to create the environment you imagine.

Imagination is a powerful quality, that empowers us to create everything we want, if we just learn how to. With changing environments it is not bad, to see how on the time-axe you are able by just using your imagination and the right prayers to shape your future environment for your people and you want to live in.

First you need to know that a (wish)prayer made from the heart is like a code, you load up on the time-axe, in a future timecluster, where it will be executed during one of your lives.
Because it is like a code you need to be carefull and think very well through what you pray for.
Specially when it comes from the heart, because what the heart desires makes a (wish)prayer a powerfull engine to build the code stronger and everlasting.
For example: Someone wish for a lot of money, one day he will get a bigger amount of money that he used to get, but it does not mean it will last long and mostly it is not a big enough amount to stop working and live like a millionair, it is just a big amount of money, like a few 100 bucks or a few 1000 bucks, depending on your situation. Like this you always get what you want, but not necessary when and how we think we do deserve it.

When you are using your imagination, combined with (wish)prayers, you are able to create everything you want. so does it work with your environment. As example I will use the example of how I did and do create the environment of Khan and I start with the example of how was build 1st Heaven, when I use to live in Amsterdam, together with my most loved star: Natasha Maria Persijn.

During that time I was known to live in style, in luxury in our decoration of the house and we had aquariums with reptiles(turtles) living in swamp and sea like environments, we had 2 cats and I used to breed a lot of tropical and subtropical foliage and flora, like carnivornousplants, small palms, bonsai trees, ferns and orchids, with outside on the balconies tulips and other bulbs.

My imagination did do hard work and everything I did create became on later term reality in the Orchid House and Tea House park in the national parc in the heart of Malaysia, where all elements are coming back to be able to enjoy by public and locals. Pure by using the prayer: I want this, when I am older, together with Natasha to enjoy as my retirement.

I was envied a lot, because people did find me greedy, not sharing and mostly on the foliage and flora front I was hated, because of the rare plants I did breed, even if it was for a short while.
But I did not collect special species out of greed. Also I do not build vivaria and paludaria pure for my hobby. I use wabi-kusa, aquariums, paludariums, vivariums and terraria, aswell of the growing of bonsai and moss gardens not only as hobby, but most of all to learn about how to create a natural environment. Orchids are choosen, because exactly they are difficult, but in every kind of healthy enviroment to find. Even on poisoned bottoms loaded with iron and zinc.

Also farming and farming of big and small fruit are done for the same reason. Who can take care of a small environement and succeed is able to advise on building a big natural environment.
Who is able to do farning on small scale, is able to help on big scale farming too.
And it is important to learn those values, if you have desire to balance this world into livable environments for ALL species, including humanity, where all can be happy and in balance.
Amsterdam was the perfect playground for that, because at home I could make beauty and imagine my world later and in the city it was small, so handable for daily life, but international enough to understand metropole life of humans too. So was Rotterdam also a very good school for me to learn about urbanisation. It learned me, that beside natural architecture, designed architecture is the same important and I had to work several jobs to get in touch with all kind of people to learn what is most important in the common social human environment, to understand what will make most of people happy and still keep their individual approach. I worked with farmers, in fabrics, as cleaner, as safety guard, with criminals, with marketmakers and stockbrokers and with homeless people, until beauty stylists, prostitutes and invalids.

This let me come to the example how to shape bigger sized environments like Khan.
First I went in very early morning to cross a farmer field, where I did look down at the growing foliage, that did look like wide growing forest trees as far as the eye did see, with hills between it where steppe and grass does grow. In between forests of fruit trees, for some sowed foliage did blossom in small white and pink flowers, like giving the effect of apple and cherry trees.

I did let my imagination go over it and did sing loud from the heart: Khan. Later when I will be small and imagined me growing smaller and smaller, so the foliage became trees and became beautiful forests and fields, where also humans did live and worked on their lands.

After some time walking I did arrive in an area, without to much human proof of life and it was beautiful. All starting growing hills with grass and small forests of fruit trees and forest trees started to emerge, with a lot of nature and clean water in it. I was witnessing the shaping of Khan right in the country where I live, in the Ukraine, what a bless I did find that. And I know over some time, it will look exactly as I did witness from the sky view and one day I will walk into a beautifull country, where all is in balance I will feel myself as I am home and in Heaven, together with my family.

This samples in the end are based on fact. You need to understand Mandlebrot fractions however, to see the truth in it. Basically the Mandlebrot mathematics is based on 1 fraction, that muliplies and in bigger size will look exactly the same as the original basic fraction itself.
Like this you can look at a tree. A young tree will grow from a seed and shapes a basic shape.
One moment it will go to split itself into more brences and you have the basic tree. As bigger the tree becomes, as more the brenches are repeating the same pattern as the basic shape, that the tree was made of, until you have a full grown tree. The same works otherway around. When you have from topview foliage and you demesize it into smaller fractions and imagine through (wish)praying forest trees in it, you will end up to see one moment the first basic trees of your model growing. And you turn it back around again until you have the environment created out of math, (wish)prayer and you imagination, by using the time-axe to your advantage and bend it to your will by coding it right, all the way as you want it.

So was the vivarium I did created during summer 2009 for Tree, the European tree frog a small copy of an environment photo I ever did see from the Neblina-Tepui. He did live there in happiness the whole summer, until I did let him free in our farm yard, so he could go to overwinter where he wanted in safety. A lesson I learned the hard way, because some of my turtles in the end of their life did freeze till death, because I had no place to keep them in the guest house we stayed, because we had to move out of Amsterdam, when my family was under treath. At least freezing till death is somehow human enough, because it is painless and the lifeform just falls insleep and dies.

This theory and practice you can apply to many possibilities from mini-environments till giant environments and from imaginable giant environments back to basic and into opposite running loop again. No matter if you talk about natural or humanoid designed architecture, in both cases you can program it as you want into your own future, somewhere in one of your lives to enjoy.
For myself I mostly like the joy of creation, I do not espect anything in this life or anything back.
That is why on that front I am not beatable.