The Samac, the Castles of the Celestials, the Palaces where they used to live on Karma:
The temples where they are honored and show how their homes used to look like.

The Radong(Singha): Highest Celestial existing. The Winged Fire Dragon Lion.
Created out of Rangda and the Barong, to stop their war. Travel on high speed over the time-axe and through space.
Size: Stars and planets (Planets, not Moons, are sleeping Celestials, which in their hibernation did cool off until a planet.)
Note: Grown up version of the Barong, however for example the Sun named [PEACE], a White Dwarf Giant and his wife, sleeping Mother Earth [HONESTY], a Red Dwarf Giant, they are still young Children and feed on black matter, which make them grow during hibernating. When they wake up, they eat and fall a sleep again in hibernation and they cool off back to a sleeping Earth and a sleeping Sun again.

The Barong: Pre-historic version of the Dragon Lion, born out of the planets, that were cooling off after being born from a sun. Made from solid basalt/ granite and lava. Do not grow much, are Children max. the age of 7-8. Are not able to fly, but go walking over the time-axe and through space, when they travel to the next woken up Celestial body. Very playfull.
Size: 1 young Barong has the size of Ukraine.
Note: Like to play with their favorite toys, Evil Gods, Demons, God Witches/ Sorcerers and their armies. Like mostly to play "Eat me!", "Kill me!" and "Forever War!", because they are undestructable and have a good sense of humor. They go out from the idea that their toys like it too and it is fun for them to be eaten, killed or crushed between their jaws.

The Dragon Mother Nebula: 1st Star, an Orange Giant Dragon star, who was married to a Giant Yellow Lion King Star, who by accident did get killed. Widow. Nasty character, but fair and loves her Children very, very much, specially her son [PEACE], because she has feeling of guilt, when she had to eat him ever, to survive.

Deities and others from the Celestials:
Oolah-Oolah, Son of Kali named Rage. Size: 11-stored building

Rangda, formal evil Witch. Size: 11-stored building

Ghanesha, Elephant God, friend of the original Lion King. Size: Planet.

Ghaja, Son of Ghanesha, the Flying Elephant. Size: 11-stored building.

Garuda, the Phoenix bird, King of the Birds. Size: A planet, sleeping Orange Giant Dwarf.

Hanuman, the Monkey King, friends of humans and the Lion King. Size: 5m tall

Heavenly People, people who went to Heaven and became Holy, because of their deeds. Size: Normally human size.