For this you use 2 matters:
Dark Space and Sonic Sound
Matter of Dark Space:
Travel by light, specially for beginners, not to get lost in a timewave, is only possible when it is dark. Dark space is the same, if you travel in deep night, or if you travel in open space. The matter is dark and this is what you are travelling trough. Depending on your level, it is important to know the right sound and color of your body aura. You have several colors, like yellow, red, orange, blue, white, green, purple and in the end nihil. Further you need to know if your aura sounds like an x-ray or like a Tone. Divided in Old Tone, Auto Tone, Ultra Tone and other kinds available. With a Tone you can go half speed, depending on your walking steps, but if you have a ray level you are able to put 1000x the speed on each step you make, which make it possible for you to travel for example in 10 minutes from Bila Cerkva Ukraina to the border of Ukraina/ Romania.

Matter of Sonic Sound:
Sonic sound you use as an echo system, to find your "guidelight". In the night when you walking through dark matter, you use to SING the color of your AURA in combination with your given CELESTIAL name, so in the distance there will be several lights appearring to follow. For example, my name in celestial is [PEACE] and I use to have the lightlevel BLUETONE X-RAY,
which is a pure white light surrounded by blue color. When I use to sing my celestial name followed by BLUETONE, I did get several distance lights reflected to me, the step colors before BLUETONE(In this case yellow, orange, red, green>blue) and BLUETONE itself.
Depending on the target, where my road is locked to, I keep following the blue light, until I arrive at my final destination. Afterwards I became BLUETONE X_RAY DELUXE and even did gain already PURPLE SONICTONE INVISIBLE DELUXE and are 3 steps away from nihil light.

Road Maps given by the time axe:
When you go to travel by light, the time axe gives you certain Road Maps to follow.
It shows your future or your past, depends on where you leaving from, but lets go out from the point you go into your future. So it shows you the future in your present and you will experience it the opposite way as present, while you pass that marking point from the time axe.
Sample: You pass a road and you see there while you are walking, cars passing you by from behind. Than later you will see the same cars, from the other side of the road approaching you, making the future the present and set a mark on the time axe road map.
Mostly at the end of the road, you can see yourself travelling through the space as a falling star,
in yellow color on half speed, or as I did experience as white BLUETONE with 1000x normal lightspeed.
These marks on the time axe are easy to avoid trouble ahead. Further I personally like to use the advice from my fellow travellers, like birds or crickets or frogs. But that is a personal matter and for that you first need to learn their languages. Since I have been studying their languages already since I was 5, I can imagine that for an adult it will be not possible to come to the level I am nowadays with understanding of the speech and communication of flora and fauna.
So, I always start my travel on an empty acre, where is no light at all, where the dark matter feels like a fog around you. That is a good place to start and you just start walking. Starting with you celestial name and color & sonic sounds to sing and from there see how far you come and how long you are doing over it in human time. Good luck with practising. ;)