To give eternal peace, the Celestials and their fellow-Celestials (army. Note: Celestials have no sex, they are no male or female) were as photograph frozen in time on the planet Nebulon, so no war or Hell would be necessary anymore. This on collective decision, so all Celestials could go to hibernate and be in Eternal Peace. During the Eternal Peace, they dream their holidays as any creature they like to be on the time-axe as a forever holiday filled with adventures and lovestories.
These are the 3 worlds they exist of:
1. Celestial being, where they hibernate, or wake up, eat, play until they fall asleep again and get frozen as photo on the time-axe, while their physical bodies become planets or stars.
2.During their hibernation, they are in their dreams on a forever holiday as any creature they like to be.
3.During play their souls make eternal love to each other anyway they want in humanoid form, until they fall into hibernation again.
This is how Heaven is build, until someone arrives somehow in the Samac and disturbs the Peace, so the their time-axe start to move again and they slowly wake up out of their hibernation.
The thrones on the impression of the photo is empty, but there are 2 kind of like female Rangda's without sex on it, also frozen in time and above them is the throne of [PURITY],
which has 2 bigger thrones above, of her parents[PURE]&[PEACE].