It seems you did get ill during the arriving. How you feel about it?
DAV:Yes, indeed. The psychic clinic was my savior in the way I could get cleaned and get back with both feet on the ground. Beside heart issues, it seems I have problems with the vains of my brain and both organs can cause a stroke, triggered by schizofrenic side effects, an illness I did develop over the past decades, because of all happened to me.
MS: Well, anyway, how is it going with you retirement than?
DAV:Quit good. I take my rest for sure. Further have some tasks to do, to get some paper work in order and planning a small holiday with the wife. I have my hands full on her, to get her back in order and start to take her needed rest and to be able to enjoy her own chosen new career and life. With other plans I have delay, because I was robbed a few weeks ago and beside my new wedding and engagement ring it did cost me my holy cross, some clothes and my Dutch passport.
However I start to pick up old hobbies again, so I am going into the right direction.
MS: REALLY? DJ Able DeVille robbed? What a news is that! How is it possible, that the formal assasin hired by God could be robbed?
DAV: Yes, unbelievable, isn't? But you see, also I am not in everything perfect and silly things like this DO happen, exactly to show me, that no matter how big and strong you are, there is always sometimes someone different and smaller, that can do something stupid like to rob you from your belongings. It shows also how the punks nowadays get more brutal and careless.
MS: Something you miss from the old job?
DAV: No, I am happy I am not part of that world anymore. Now it is to wait for some 40 years, before the show can start. In the meantime I am planning to have lots of fun. Have a new language to learn and a new career to start. Maybe even we are planning over a year of 3-4 to go back to the Lowlands, to see what is happening there.
MS: What about your latest writing about females? Is there some reason for that?
DAV: Yes, actually. I feel for some reason since 2003 harrassed. Like there are 1 or more girls claiming they are my wifes, or partners or they have a child from me or something like that and most of all, I like them to know that they should start to live a life of their own and stop hurting themselves. They have such beautiful children and such nice partners, if promises were made, they ever will be fulfilled, but not in this lifetime, so they should stop with lying. That is why the wife in this lifetime, my most loved star, Natasha is celestial named [HONESTY]. She is the only one who is frank and honest with me, even if I do not like it. But that is what partnership, love and being married and together is all about. Being able to be honest enough to tell your partner the truth, even if it does hurt.

MS: Some dreams or nightmares you have?
DAV: Hmmm, not much difference than normally, I would say. Well, I came to the conclusion, that nowadays people are still stucked in the 70's, 80's and 90's and also I came to the conclusion there are a lot of scared people out there. Specially movie dirrectors. Those are people who make horror movies, because they are afraid to face their deepest fears, like admitting being schizo or mentally ill or anything else for the matter. Also sometimes I dream about the time, that I had to heal my lovely wife and did "the Research" on me. I still not want to go into details, for most of other people it would be not understandable or even realistic to face at all.
MS: Did you hear anything from your son and daughter?
DAV: Well, as far as I know they are doing very fine.
Natasha and I have now the ability to raise them and see them growing as small children again.
That is how the system works. I think they will proof their value soon enough in the near future.
They have the right school, mine, so I am quit sure they will do allright.
MS: Any last words to our readers?
DAV: Hmmm, not really 123. Keep following the blog, even if it is sometimes a bit boring. For me it is good therapy and maybe for the readers out there something to learn from. Everything in the end, never is how it seems like. Curveballs thrown around enough, to give you always again a different destination.