Depending on which piece of H.E.A.V.E.N. is created, pollution is a necessarity to achieve the right climate for the right flora and fauna to florish there. For example Moria, El Dorado and Khan are examples of low and ground leveled worlds, that because of the ancient history needs another climate. In the future Khan my son Rafael, came to the right pollution solution. Chemicals from plastics are necessary to get the CO2 environment for better crops in balance, as is cigarette rests,
to make them firm big and stable. Overseeding learns the people to eat the seeds as food during sowing and working on the big acres of land and a beer in the summer is better to less the thirst than to spoil drinkable sweet water, which will be in the future less available.

El Dorado is build of Gold and Diamant, the appartments and the houses are glittering in the sun and is for the hardest workers, the Vlaams Blokkers (A Vlamish hard worker), the Black Panthers and the others that suffered most during the reign of the false prophets.
Old fashioned cars are their prize they earned and are only on their deepness necessary to grow the prehistoric flora and fauna that thrives there to get the right CO2 level necessary to let such life and people survive in peace and balance. That is why El Dorado is in the heart of Atlantida and is under the sea levels at the bottom of the Earth, where oil, gold, gas and diamant belong to. You take it to the sky, the light of the Gold will become dark matter and evil will grow, for the hearts of the hard workers are easily corrupted, so to let them enjoy their world, they come to live in the Old Hell, as I ever did built it as Di Able DeVille, but without the suffering and pain, just the beauty of it.

Bricks of Gold / Glass of Diamant / Oil for the right pollution
TAR is a lesson not many have done, beside the future Ol-Tone, Lucifer(Gabriel, the Cristian Bail or Power of God and as Lucifer the Light of God, because he discovered how to travel by light)DeVille and Able DeVille himself, when everyone still was locked in the land of the Dead, before the time that Able DeVille overtook the Old Heaven, so he could build a New Heaven in Hell.