The Universe of [PURITY].
[KUNGFU]:How are you? Welcome to your retirement. Welcome home.
[MOM]:Welcome home.

New Scenario: The Winged Tiger, the One who did earned his wings back, named PAT, husband of PAI, from the Khan family, who are the New King & Queen of the 3-eyes, foreverland or the White eternity named [PEACE] and left the new past and the new future in the hands of their daughter HAN, named [HARMONY].
[PEACE]:Do not cry, it is ok. We hugged you last night, after we said goodbye on your wedding, when you was crowned [PURITY]. Now you are the New Administrator of the Heaven Files, the Watcher of the Celestials. We love you very much. Look at the time-axe, you will see us, you and all of us having fun, during our holidays, christmas and vacations.
And you will remember the stories, we will leave behind for the future you's and me's.
We love you children. We go to build now up the world WE did destroy, out of love, when we lived in Amsterdam, the 1st and old Heaven. It will be a New Yeari in our new Kingdom, the Yeari of the White Celestial Tiger, [PEACE], who did earn his wings back.
You will love it later here, go step by step, to build you new world there. Greetings from me to [LUX] and [WARMNESS] and to our friend [OLD-TONE], who wants to spent with his formal wife [SABULAN] a new family Tree chapter in your world (as O-bamas) and help you with everything you need, to overcome your sorrow, to become from [HARMONY] the new [PURITY]. Also we left your aunt [VANILLA] behind. She will be your advisor, when you will need her the most. Further will help your sister [MERCY], so decisions will not fall so hard on you.


You did give with your famous stubbornous finally our old TREE his old home back, that he did share in the time he original lived, during the reign of the old [SABULON] and the old [SABULAN]. You have saved them by sacrifysing yourself to stay loyal to YOUR people and made through that a New World, with a New Tree, a New [SABULON] and a New [SABULAN], so the wisest of us all, can retire in your world and guide you through your beautifull fantasies to come true with all of you left behind, the New Children, when you go later to visit him in the Roman year of 2012 in his old world on the Tepui, that ever was shown to you in the old files. You will recognize him, because he will speak the human language.

[TREE], the Neblina Tepui, home of [TREE], the European treefrog
We bow to you, you new Lamb, you new Mary, New Earth and New Heaven bow for you, to find the lost One, your father, the old [DIABLO], who sacrifised himself so long time ago, to kick us out to Heaven, that everybody did forget him, even the old Leo.
You, our savior, welcome to your price, a New World of your own to execute your own creations and beauty, as you want to make it yourself, so all of your People will live in [PEACE] in [HARMONY] and can start to build on their own happiness forever in reality.
Congratulations with your graduation, daughter.
We took you home inside our heart.
Love, hugs and kisses,
Your parents.
The New Watchers of the New World of Eternity and took it over,

from their parents, the New Watchers of the New World of Crystalite,

from their parents, the New Watchers of the New World of Eldarado,

from their parents, the New Watchers of the New World of Atlantida,
from their parents, the New Watchers, who finally could reach the Old Karma,
and make a New Utopia, because the old One was destroyed by being vain.

We bow to all of you from the Old Earth,
your ancestors.
Since last night, because of the arriving of the [TRUTH], the Old Diablo,
all gates are locked and the Old Worlds will stop to exist and by the Celestial Judges,
will be undone the mistakes, made by the lie, that the Celestial Watcher could not see,
from his point of view and Judgment Day can begin. For never ever, a lie can be hidden,
it always will be revealed and unjustice will be undone, because the old[TRUTH] and the new[TRUTH],
always do arrive in Eternity, when a new Pa{c}t of Heaven was born, named [PEACE], the only One who was created out of his sin [LOVE]&[SORROW].
And the new Judge, will be [HONESTY], his wife, the old PAI, who was hurt the most.
God & her husband, Diablo would like to have some answers finally, out of the trial, Shawn Brown, or should we better say Charlie Brown,
because our Son of Man, Charles Manson has BLUE EYES, who you did EXECUTE as JEFFREY DAHMER, while he was INNOCENT.
Only our Celestial eyes are BROWN, because our old Human eyes are BLIND and that makes them BLUE, not the color, dumb fuck.
It is your HUMAN eyes betrayed you, that you are the liar.
Innie minnie miniy mo,
we did catch the Rednack by his toe,
who goes to prison in eternal hell,
and will be repented there very well,
and Shawn Brothers,!
Court order for Shawn Brothers from the Weinstein Company, lawyer firm of the company Heaven & Hell,
where God rules Heaven and her husband, the hired Assasin Ghengis Khan, rules Hell as Diablo DeVille.
Execution: On the Wedding of the Lambs and as wedding banquet, all the Judas and Midas-bloodline,
to fill our stomach ache, by breaking the one price, that never could be broken, [PURE]&[LOVE].
Khan & Pai, Pat & Nat, who's old name is Victoria, the only blind One born, with BROWN blind eyes.
The old [HONESTY] & the only One named [LOVE], the 1-eye, who ever was King of the Land of the Blind.