A culture coming from the ancient religions, from Africa, Indians etc. all over the world.
So do Ghanese friends of mine still make handwoven bands for tourists on the streets of Paris, where I at 15 did learn to survive on the streets from a Masai-Zulu warriror, that became king among the Refugees and Clochards names Samson.
Now the youth did take it over and they are faced with authority, the school boards, that do forbid and ban the Silly band out of the class room. And for what? Because the lessons of some teachers are so boring, the children start to play with their toys? Because they do not know how to keep attention in the classroom? The solution is simple: USE the Silly band to make some lessons around it, to allow the students to play and learn and do their tests over it, instead of forcing them to unite and get a better lesson. To outsmart their teachers, but for the wrong cause. They are in their right, the teachers are in their wrong, for let those children go on a wrong path, because they find they are right. They do not think about the consequences as getting in worse case being expelled from school, because they are inflamed in their youthly passion about their right. They are going to revolt and the measurements schools will take, to punish the leaders of it and make example are wrong. It is the teachers who need to be smart enough to create in their lessons a road of peace, not to force them on a path of war.
What you all cannot do with this silly toy and specially this case that it did get banned.
You can explain law to them and create a real court case in class, where the students will be the defenders of the silly band and the teachers the prosecutors, with the board as Judge and the parents as panel. And so on and so on.
You have here a generation that DOES know what are their rights and that smart enough to go underground and survive, but what a monsters of people you will create, if you let it go that way.
All will be sorry, when those youngsters will be grown up the hard way. Mercy will be not a name they know, because no one had Mercy with them, when they were in their right and were prosecuted. Think what you sow. Generation Y is lethal, when threated the wrong way, this is a generation that needs LOVE, HARMONY and PEACE, to grow in to come to complete fruition, when they will be adults. Give it to them the right way, punishment by banning will not help.
These youngsters are hippie enough to revolt, they are punk enough to learn it the hard way and they will be rock enough to take vengeance by going themselves their own road of Peace, if nobody allows them. I am standing behind them: Peace. let the Silly band live on schools, for once it was an endangered species, that was only saved out of the garbage can, just because of its cuteness instead of becoming a deadly polluter. Teachers, do your homework, as I did. It took me 5 minutes.