The New Khan = Ukraina/ Poland, Russia, Mongolia, Armenia, Azerbedjian, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazachstan, Turkey, Iran.
Queen[HONESTY] PAI & King Khan[PEACE]

The New Moria + New Iberia = Western archipel Iceland/ Greenland, Scandinavia, Centred archipel Vienna/ Czechia/ Slowakia/ Italy, underwater lands from Ireland till Germany till Northern Spain, Romania and West Moldavia. Islands New Iberia Portugal/ Spain/ Southern France.
Queen[HARMONY]&King of her choice.

The New Pangea = Skyweb of mining mineral & filter cities
Queen Marie-Louisa[EQUALITY]&King or Queen of her choice.
Promised world to the hardest workers
The New Atlantida + El Dorado = Bottom of Atlantic Ocean Eastern mountain region Western Mexico & California. Western mountain region Philipinnes. Heart regions exists out of Africa, Latin-America & Australia+Tasmania.
Queen Maria Leon[FREEDOM] & King of her choice.
System Central
The New Utopia = New Korea, South East Asia, West-Japan, China, New Zealand, Tibet, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia mountains.
Queen[MERCY] & King of her choice.
New Throne
The New Crystal Palace = Spaceweb cities towards the members of H.E.A.V.E.N.
Queen Amber Rose[PURITY]&King of her choice. (Amber Rose, the French Vine that od'd. Francesca Maria Wijn ings)
King & Queen of Siom will reign their kingdom under protection of Queen Maria Leon[FREEDOM] & Queen[HARMONY]
USA and Europe are erosed and dried enough to shape the new ocean riffs and bottoms.
Good examples are alpine mountains and grand canyon.

2 new polars will shape, because of shifting of the Earth axe.