Monday, May 24, 2010

Utopia: System Central, the Temple House on the Ancient Korean Coast, House of the Goddesses

The Temple House of the Goddesses is lying in Utopia. This is the Ancient world of East Asia, how it ever was, but in Peace. Here are the beings going, that will help to gather and fulfill the wishes of others. Depending on the deeds, these are able to guide the rewarded to bring them to their hearts desires and prizes they did earn for living the right life through hard working, good deeds, heroism, innocence and devotion. The main central hall is the system controlling system, that connects all the worlds of Heaven together and have as only monotoring board the pact of H.E.A.V.E.N. under leading of the Chrystal Palace and the one sit Throne in it, [PURITY].

In Utopia during holidays, everyone comes together to celebrate, before they go on again on a forever holiday on the time axe, where sometimes each one will meet each other in different locationans and destinations, with sometimes to work a bit and the rest to enjoy life itself and what will be given to you, according your deeds.

The arranging of this meeting is always arranged from the remote control of the stonekey in the amfi-dreamtheatre of the Temple of the Goddesses and is used to communicate to all the Queens, when they are called together by the Queens of Utopia [MERCY], [HARMONY] & [HONESTY].

Beside the beautiful antique asian styled decoration mixed with latest technology, the Temple has a beautiful garden and further the surrounding of the coastlines, forests and fields are marvelous. Around and in the house, due New Technology, hand labor is preferred, as is shown in the kitchen of the house. However modern apparature, like a refridgerator, the cooking is done here the old fashioned way. Also green products are mostly homegrown and rice is gained from the local small production farms, that are put up in switchable shifts, where everyone in Utopia has labor duty, to produce food for the whole community. The labor is not only to make the body of animal and human fit, but also to shape beautiful bodies by nature and natural exercise through labor.

On each border of Utopia, there are the ancient gates to enter worlds like Khan, Moria and Atlantida. Totally devided over Khan, Moria, Atlantida and Utopia there are 3 gates per world, which makes 12 gates. Each gate carries the name of one of the Children from the Lion of Siom, which are: Male-Gabriel(Lucifer), Michael, Rafael, Danyiel, Armies, Israel. Female-Hodiel, Nathanyiel, Ariel, Simiel, Chamuel, Uriel. No guardians are necessary on the gates in these worlds, for everyone is free to go where they want. Utopia is a resting place for travellers and a home for the ones, who feel like to put their talents to more and others service, to learn and guide them, to get a better and a happy life.
In the end there is the key of creating for each individual their own Heaven. Happiness. Only when that lesson is learned, individuals can go a step higher, to travel the time-axe and create with the right partner or as single their own pleasant adventures, where so now and than during special occasions they meet with their loved ones like family, children, friends and on the holidays meet with all worlds together in Utopia to celebrate.