Imagine the situation as young girl you are told, that you will become the wife of a boy, nicknamed Lamb and your parents have the ability to use a time-machine, made by that boy and they will send you through time, to meet the boy in the past, on a courtyard, somewhere when he is 6.
And on one hot summerday you arrive at the place to be, but till your suprise you see there is already another girl, taken your place and she is in company with her future son, who pretend to be her brother of 7, and your dreamworld is about to fall apart. What will you tell your parents?
Simple. You lie about it and you have the luck, that when the girl and her future son are gone, you by accident are mistaken by the boy of 6, to be the other girl, when he kisses you on the mouth and runs away in tears, leaving you all bashed and confused behind.
Later in age you discover the real identity of the boy and you are convinced you are going to marry him later, when you are big. You are than the age of 7. At age of 11 more is convinced, that the feelings are returned in your favor, but a breakthrough is not to see, no matter what you try.
It takes till later age, that you understand the true meaning of your life and purpose in the life of this man, when his 1st wife dies out of disease and you are the only one, who is able to get him at least out of his mourning. Until you have the bad luck, that 1 day he invents a time machine and goes back to the past, to nobody does know where, but you are convinced he went back to see his 1st died wife, because he cannot let go of her.
Your heart is hurt, for you realize, that however you was thinking you are totally free to do what you want, you actually really did love the man and suddenly you feel left alone and your own mourning starts. Bringing you to the point, to take a bunch of friends and you, to use the time-machine to go back to the past, to find out the truth, for one of your friends, tried sneakily to change the past in his favor and claims the man you love went out to warn for a war, caused by his 1st wife, while actually it was caused by totally somebody else for different meanings: Vengeange.
For a totally silly reason. The man that did disseapear in time, did not know about one of his children, who claims and lied also to be his wife, while actually the issue she has, is that he does not remember or was in her life, so something might have happened to her mother, he is her father and should be there for her, while he was not. Which is totally insane, because if she would think about it, it is not possible the man can know he is her father, because nobody ever told him and before there was a chance to tell him, he disseappeared.
However, it leaves you with the case, to try to guide the man some way, that he will fall back in the arms of the past/ future you. But maybe it is time to realize, that the future does change and things are not anymore as it seems. To the man, the younger version of you did become like his daughter and that is the relationship he will build up with her.
But to yourself, you should consider, that if you still claim to love the man, you should open up to him and start talking, what you do want from him, because fact stays, that he is at this moment still a married man with 2 children.
If the future goes as you think it will go, the man will be available for you and you are free to move in on him and make him yours back again. However, if not, you have to wait out your life, as he does and die if possible naturally of old age and God will make your Lie the Truth, because when the man was mourning, YOU did save him and YOU did care for him and loved him the most, nobody else but YOU, so God will take care you get your full lifetime together as friends, partners and lovers as you want most in your own hidden dreamworld.
For God gave you now much as preparation for what still is to come. In a near or a bit further future, for death is just a second to passover to the next level of life and there we know now that God and her husband are Tigers, who love you very, very much, their Word and Promise do count forever and are always given in, on the moment, they think is right for you to fully enjoy and experience it, so you will get totally satisfied in all what you need, never ever when we ourselves do think we deserve it or espect it.