It works as normal memory, but is not always recognized as so.
To envoke the genetic memory, you first need to be able to recognize it.
After "Body language one: Recreation of the body cells" from my old blog, you should from there have learned the basics how your body works in cooperation with your astral body and mind.
The brain itself is a labyrinth of undiscovered area's for the human beings and genetic memory is stored in your brain, but remembered by all your body. Jobs and experience you have from formal lives, makes it maybe now a talent in your daily life.

Also Deja Vu and lost memories can be indicators towards how we ever used to live our life before. So to recognize it there are 2 elements that play a role:
1. The stored memory side
2. The physical information side
Both points have strong influence of the people we are nowadays.
Memories like a Deja Vu or like a vision can be past paths we ever took.
Talents we have indicates on practice and exercise before, that we took with us into daily life.
it might be an indication we learn a new chapter of a path we ever did choose and could not finish, or we go with using the combination of talents into a new way and create something totally new in our lifes, so we can enjoy something totally different.

By meditation and an empty mind you are able first as flashes to remember who you ever were in the far past, until it becomes a full memory. You start to remember from the present backward, towards your childhood, so you wards until childhood of that life and play it backwards into your mind, so you can create from it a full memory. Your body cells and all will feel the reality, because it did experience it already ever before.
The physical information side is more a matter of trying out through hobbies, interests and see if the development goes easy or not. If it goes natural and easy, it means you ever did learn the interest and might have even be a professional at it and if not, it means that you probarly start with it into a new path into your life.

When both more developed, you easily can learn to control and steer your genetic memory, mostly it takes jus a few seconds, sometines longer, depending on how much you practice.
Have fun!