Only when one can imagine the world and views of other species, you can create something beautiful and complete. It is important to look at this world and our environment from out of the point of view of being a human beinbg, but how many times we stand still with how other living species do experience the world? Did you ever went top lie in a flower field and listen to what the bees has to say and see the world from their view. Or went deepsea diving and went to see how a fish does experience his world? Hidden kingdoms and secret fairytales these environments do carry. If humanity would open their eyes more and different they would see a world, that is taken away by their blindness filled with the same adventures or even more. When coding timeaxes and programming water, with these elements has to be calculated, not only as inspiration, but also for the variety of living and surviving. Variety did not come to entertain us, it does exist pure as a survival manual. Each family and specie is able to survive because of the variety in it and in it the unique genetic coding, that is able to multiply with another in new offspring with extra dimensions and mutations in the genetic code, so the strongest abilities of the parents for the environment around are given over and used to the optimal possibility to reproduce and survive again.

People so easily tell the stories and experiences from out of their own view, forgettting their is always another view too. So was one time 2 friends of mine over, telling they were sleeping and in the night they did hear a loud "plof!". The tallest of them stood up did put on the light and went to see what it was and than he told me, that it was such a gigantic spider, dropped from the ceiling in the middle of the room. And when he did approach it, the spider did run away in fear.
I told my friend the following: If I would be the spider I also would run in fear away. Imagine you are the spider, doing your spider thing on the ceiling and suddenly you loose balance and fall from the ceiling to the floor. Than, out of a sudden instead of darkness, light everywhere and you see 2 giants. One lying and the other standing and moving towards you. I think the spider did experience it totally different and had quit a scary view, being a spider. Ofcourse it will run away.

So, try one time to see the world once from a different view. Think small as an insect, or big as an elephant, discover underwaterworlds, sky worlds, hidden worlds like blossoming summerfields, autumn forests and so on to discover how other lifeforms see the same world humanity is living in. You will be suprised, how beautiful this world really is. And all you have to do is using your imagination.