Saturday, June 12, 2010

Private New Technology Projects

Because of slow development of technology, I want to see, if it is possible to build a few sample modules myself, based on existing technology and ideas to modernize it in such a way, that finally technology can fully serve the human mind, without influencing to much its environment.
Further certain area's need to be re-developed by me, so I am able to start to teach the secrets of the Universe to the chosen Mothers and Children to make from them so called "Goddesses" or "DeVilles".

Project program:


Make body.
Make 3 serverbodies.
Make bendable chipplatecards with coppertape and film.
Programmed to create:
2.3-D objects

3.3-D alive creatures from photo/video data

4.And more...

Make body.
Make 3 server bodies.
Make bendable chipplates with coppertape.
Programmed to create:
1.New Technology.

Make body.
Make innertechnology.
Programmed to:


Buy robot kitty body ($55).
Make innertechnology.
Programmed to:
1.Develop micro-technology.


New Data inbus to mirror stored data into hologram.

Nana-technology liquid:

To program liquid, so alive creatures (1st flora, later maybe fauna) from photo/video data can be developed.

Ultimate fantasy playmates:

To create from photo/video data alive playable and storable files.