Most humans nowadays they think life as they have it is a natural flow and is as it should bem or a bit better, because they hink they are the ULTIMATE lifeform existing. Unfortunately it is just a whole lot of vanity and nothing of it is true. Science takes a big roll into society more and more and ideas change, not only for the negative, but also for the positive.
Finally the human race homo sapiens is able to recognize they are NOT the only one lifeforms existing on this planet and have a heavy responsibility aswell for balancing the knowledge of automized tools against other species that choose to use traditional and natural tools, just because they were born like that.
Anything invented somewhere and somehow in this entire Universe does already exist.
Claims on patents is stupid and just a sophisticated way to let rich people steal ideas and toys made and develop by somebody else, so they can get richer out of it and the developer or inventer in question stays poor or has to accept that he was bought of, no matter if he had a patent or not, because even if you have a patent nowadays, it is not protecting you against the high shot shark lawyers, that you seem to need nowadays to feel a free human in this legal human society.
Scientist working for NASA talking about other lifeforms on NASA, which is for humans a perfect opportunity to colonize it and than to exploit it, until it is as empty and destroyed as the Earth.
The curiosity that killed the cat was not the curiosity itself, but the destructive mentality behind it, that anyway the idea or product or what ever has to be delivered to the highest bidder, no matter if it is a private person or the state itself. The brightest minds are bought and contracted, made depended on a high society life and big mortgages, so that you actually loose all your freedom from the moment EVERYTHING of your identity becomes digitilized.
Where humanity thinks they have the right to go just to a planet, when they did discover life there and go to exploit it? Because their might be so called "lower" life forms? How do they know, that is the purpose meant for another life forms and objects existing in space? To be controlled and abused and used until it is destroyed, by human beings? I would say it is a very arrogant way of thinking.
Maybe, before someone steps into a spaceship like that, it would be handy to learn to make [PEACE], so instead of killing your new lifeform subject, you are able to study it and become friends. Maybe before droids are send to there to bring us closer to that fatal step, we first should be able to manage with help of learning from all other species on THIS planet, to live happily in an healthy envorinment, before we ruin another eco-system and not even on our own homeplanet. What if there is somewhere for reasons we do not know IS other intelligent lifeforms hidden, we do not know about and we ruin their eco-system? what will your answer be? Oops, sorry, we did not know you guys did exist and sorry we ruined your living environment, but it is ok, isn't? Our intentions were to come in Peace, even if we slaughtered half of your living environment...
You know what THAT does look like? It looks STUPID! Not even a human being intelligence worth. So think very well. Were are given as school the Earth to handle. Only if we are able to make a new balancing living environment, than only I would say humanity learned and fixed it's mistakes and is ready to explore other planets, moons and whatsoever, by sending first ambassadors instead of going to send a colony to colonize the territory and claim it is ours!
It is not! It belongs to the life forms THERE, where they in all freedom can live THEIR life the natural way!
It is sad, that you all need to learn all of this as a human being from actually a TIGER!