Water is making the biggest part of lifeforms able to live. Most lifeforms on the planet Earth do exist out of water, no matter if we talk about flora or fauna.
What most people do not understand, is that water is beside a natural product also a MATTER, that can transform energies in space and the universe.
As being a matter, water is sensitive for its surrounding in sounds and in emotional energies.
Several studies, as for example to find on "Masaru Emoto: Messages from water.", proof that water is sensitive towards negative and positive vibrations of emotional energy. So when water is exposed to negative vibrating emotional energy it does get dirty and dark, when opposed to positive vibrating emotional energy it stays clear and light, without pollution.
So powerful are words, as used into a program and water is a good mirror to learn to help to shape yourself and your direct surrounding and make it a healthy balance again.
There are 2 ways of communicating with water:
1. Emotional vibrating, possible supported by words spoken in different fractal strenght.
2. Natural/ Musical vibrating using sound fractals to make basic structures.
Both methods are necessary to learn to be able to program water and be able to create out of this programmed water something different.
To practice and learn method 1, you need to meditate, to make a clear mind and than talk, sing or yell at a closed bottle of clear mineral water for 1 month and see the result. Or you just can leave the water and see the result after 1 month. does the water stay clear, than your emotional vibrations are positive and you are able to put the basic to work clean, if not, you are still somehow polluting and need to work away the negative vibrations in your own emotional circuit, to be able to work clean and clear, so you always start with a clean plate to be able to program water to something different.
NOTE: Everything in your environment, from flora, fauna and other human beings are affected by the waves of negative and positive vibrating emotional energies, because each being mostly exists out of water, so inside a living being water can be polluted by its surrounding, from itself causing diseases or weakness.