Back again, earlier than espected.
From the old blog there where 4 lessons given about the time-axe and how to influence it.
First I will repeat a bit of the material to refresh the memory, than I go into the final and last stage to explain how to program the time-axe into time cubes. When you are able to develop a timecube, you have a good source to influence your own life and to wheel the time-axe so you will be ready for the next step, the theory of building your own solar system. However, before we can go there I also will repeat again a bit of the material about the Heaven & Hell company in another post, so you have a good idea how to create from a woman your own little goddess and from a man your own little devil.
Spacephysics lesson 1: Difference between human invented time and real time, explained by the diagram and theory of a time-machine making use of the distant between planet Earth and a star, so you have a physical timeline between the past and present, so you are able to calculate distance, by using the formula E=m*C2.

Spacephysics lesson 2: How to calculate using human time and real time waves to make a timeframe, so you can make from it a time cluster, that you are able to move up and down over the time-axe, so you can influence moving in front of time against borrowing against time.

Spacephysics lesson 3: Learning how by breathing and meditation (to control your heartbeat) exercises, you can let your body get a grip on the time-axe and let time flow through your body, so you are able to notice physical real time waves, like hearing (sounds like a train, upcoming and passing away sound) and feeling them, so you can calculate out the theory part and put your work into practice, so you are in practic physically able to move a time-cluster.

Spacephysics lesson 4: How to use the physical moving of a time-cluster in your advantage in daily life, so you can move faster and slower according the natural time waves, so human time works in your benefit and through that are able to learn to get adjusted, so you can be prepared to move with the speed of light.

Spacephysics lesson 5: Influencing the time-axe, so you can let desires and imagination come true in your future life line, programmed on the time-axe, by making from a time cluster a time cube, through programming.
Now you know how to build a time-cluster and influence it in practic, it is time for a higher level, the time-cube, the 3-dimensional cube, existing out of layers of time-clusters in which you program actions, deeds, wishes, desires, imaginantion and influence you can have in and on this world.
As shown in other posts before, you need to know a bit more of physics and mathematics, like Mandelbrot, Scrodinger and a few other theories, to make this happen and understand the basic of programming, so you can follow the 3-dimensional part, which is the basic of 3-dimensional programming itself.
Because a time cluster is flat, you need to make a limit of the amount of clusters you put into a cube, which with 9x3 cubes shape a time-cube. The best dividing on the amount to put in, you can build the layers in the following order, to start with small and than go to higher:
12-bits(layers), 24-bits(layers), 48-bits(layers), 64-bits(layers), 128-bits(layers) is the maximum, to process correctly and make it transferable.

In each layer you use words, to program with by singing(praying) it loud or in silence from your heart and by deeds to follow. Each sheet of layer will be filled with some information you put, BUT that is not the hardest part. Now you have it only programmed 2 dimensional, but not in mirror image backwards and connected as group by keywords, that sideways connect all the layers together, which also has to be done in mirrorimage backwards, so you have from all sides, the right formula's and information available to be read in, by the time axe management system.
The + and -, to move backward and forward with the cube on the time-axe are from the outside towards the inside programmed, so it can be read by both the future GEN-line of the time-axe, aswell it can be read in by the past GEN-line of the time-axe, so the whole time-cube will be recognised at the crossing border as a whole happening event. There the time-axe works as a natural clock you need to see each cluster and happening as a second, where in that second from EVERYONE and EVERYTHING at that second is executed their desires, dreams etc. etc.
Weighted by Truth and Honesty given values, per each second there comes out a result that is for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING what they did want and desire at the moment it was uploaded, that is readed from the past GEN-line by the future GEN-line on the time-axe.
That is why we always receive what we want, but not as we think we deserve it or on the speed we want it to.
Now you know how to build up a cube, you can cluster them in a 9x3 time-cube.
As the cube of clusters itself, one half has to be programmed from the outside to the inside and the other half has to be placed opposite mirrorimage backwards, which is a 13x2 mirror programmed set of cubes, leaving the centered one, the last of the 9x3 empty.
Here you program the following: 4 plus (positive energies) and 4 minus (negative energies), with 1 extra minus (negative energy) in the heart of the center cube, that assures all results of the event will be positive always. This centered cube we call a center-key and exists out of pure emotions, not words or deeds.
To mirrorimage backwards your prayers you need to pray or sing your programming backwards and do the same with your deeds physically, but using your imagination(you do not need exactly at that same location repeat the deed backwards, imagining it is enough).
Like this you have learned to make your own event, packed into a time-cube, existing out of programmed layers of time clusters, so you can influence the events that will happen in your future life(s). Good luck with practising and most of all, be patience. Count there are distances between it in human time, of maybe 5-40 years minimum if not longer, before it can be executed. :)