To convert image in real touchable footage is not so easy. After programmed and directed everything in your Director-programm the footage still has to be converted from 2D digital to 3D realism. How is it possible to achieve this?
Simple, with a 2D to 3D converter chip, that makes image from 2D a 3D model.
This is the St.Pancras cross-chip. We call it that way, because it has the basic model of a St.Pancras cross and the chip stores each 2D digital information by turning in 360 degrees directions and makes the information into a 3D digital model.

The crystal ball only works when come in contact with an amplifier reader, that determines the power needed to build the 3D live model through the watermolecules.
Inside the chip is the information stored in negative, mirrorimaged, so that when it is mirrored into the nano-shell it will be positive normal imaged loaded.

The nano-shell reacts on impuls of the crystal ball, when it is uploaded with the data that is wanted. When the data is uploaded into the nanoshell the nano molecules into the shell grow rootlike extensions, that infect the watermolecules around and through it it does multiply until the 3D model is finished, loaded with the programmed and directed data you want.
Offcourse all only for a limited time available, but the stored data you can store back on your computer and use for a later time. Like this you would almost say personages can become immortal as maybe yourself too, by storing yourself or somebody else as model for 3D converting nano-programming. You will not need food anymore or drink and can stay forever young, only sometimes you need to be stored away to be able to be reloaded again.
Immortality comes like this everyday a step closer to mankind...