Now we have seen, that it is possible as a program to live through live, just with sometimes to be re-loaded, we can adjust this to a 3 sin program, where we put all 12 sins in, to keep them out of the door, creating like this a real Heaven for us existing in the dream-machine environment.
Here is the basic schedule again, how the 12 sins are devided into 3 groups:
1. As Celestial being, where they hibernate, or wake up, eat, play until they fall asleep again and get frozen as photo on the time-axe, while their physical bodies become planets or stars.
Sins placed in this environment: Rage-Gluttony-Envy-Murder
Because the Celestials like the Barongs have undestructable bodies, they can play their favorite games "Kill me!", "Eat me!" and "Forever war!". For them it is just a game, because their bodies is made out of pure lava, fire and rock and because they are children and sexless, they will have during their awakening the most fun of all and get all these sins out of their physical and celestial system.
2.During their hibernation, they are in their dreams on a forever holiday as any creature they like to be. Sind belonging to here are: Greed - Sloth - Defamation - Crave, where all can be fulfilled during their eternal holiday and get everything they need and want with minimum amount of work, so all these sins, that needs as solution fullfilling by abundance.
3.During play their souls make eternal love to each other anyway they want in humanoid form, until they fall into hibernation again. here the following sins are the best to execute:
Pride-Vanity-Lust-Love, so everyone feels fulfilled without being hurt, for they will get the bodies and partners as they want and how much they want and need it, only during the lovemaking. The lovemaking stops when the Celestial Radong starts to hibernate again, so there will never be a risk, that one of the worlds go accidently over into another.

We from that point can make the following picture:
During re-loading we enter stage 1, the Celestial being. During that stage we will experience stage 3, as being humanoids. After reloading we enter stage 2.
So in a schedule it looks like this:
Awake -> Forever holiday feeling Re-load -> Celestial being (Screensaver mode) On computer ->Slowmotion lovemaking (With orgasms of 7 years)
And than from the start again.