In this part I will explain about the dream-machine, the engine behind the mainframe of the Dream-theater and also individual usefull for other private projects.

The dream-machine is a function of the R2-D2 unit design I am developing and is a physical mirror hologram of the stored information, that runs inside the dream-machine programm and gives the public the feeling to be in a realistic decor and world. By physical matter mirroring the R2-D2 unit can at the same time project out a dream-environment, suiting for the situation and seperate 3D holograms in standard shape.

The dream-machine is usefull like this as VJ project for example on dance-parties or during a stage act and fill the space inside into a new world, where people, limited in the space ofcourse, can enjoy, touch and visit all the projections around them. Like this the Church is build as dance palace and you can take it everywhere you go, during a dancing session, but also the Temple is an environment for dance-events aswell as for storytelling.

When connected to a dream-theatre mainframe, the projection of the world gets enormous and all 3D space is used for people to let them experience they are living in another time and world, while a mainstoryline does unfold and develop itself through the main story. So is the wedding-script "The Promise of God" a special written version for the Dream-machine, where the public is experiencing themself living in the year 2012 and earlier, while the real time is much further.
The mainframe devides the digital 3D information into the connection plugs and ear boxes for the audience, while the R2-D2 unit projects the materialized world around. Like this each individual does experience their lifes inside the Dream-theater for real.
Only when the story is out and the operator clicks end, the suprising will be, that all people wake up and see in front of their eyes a new world arising, like its scrolls out into the present.

The R2-D2 unit also was used for example in the old Hell-environment, where everything was faked of the process to repent souls. There are many varieties possible to use the Dream-machine function of the R2-D2 unit and most of all it is of importancy that it should be made fun.