We create images we send out on the internet or over satelite transmission and those messages and images keep hanging in space to be discovered or catched on the time-axe in the past or in the future.
I was reading some blogs about the Maya calendars, Nostradamus and baba Vanga about predictions of the future. What we do not realize is that some of that information these people have seen, actually has nothing to do with daily life and events, but also can be future images of releases of movies, like Star Wars or Star trek.
Also in the far future, if something ever will happen to this society, future people, who will receive these images, messages and stories, might think it is about real history and real daily life in the years 2000 and beyond.

The most realistic view of life is NOW, the present and I really wonder if people nowasays are waiting so much for a 3rd world war to happen, because someone is muslim or christian.
Beside some crazy heads in North Korea, I not really see, beside the Zionistic movement, any government having interest to start such heavy conflicts. A government like Iran may disagree with the West, but I do see clearly, they are not jumping to start a nuclear war.
People nowadays are happier in a world where war is diseappearing and are more concerned about the economic and ecologic situation.

Until not happened, no prediction can be proven. No matter if you take Revelations, Nostradamus, Maya-calendars, baba Vanga or something else. Do not forget a lot of predictions in all of it, did not come true or has been maybe misinterpretated by the writers, because they did see something, that we nowadays know as movies or internet-media and messages.
Also generations in the future will be able to interpretate these media transmissions wrong.
As we are digging in the Earth with archeoligy, we THINK we do now the truth, but we actually never know it, because we did not live and witness those times.
We are not SURE why the Egyptians did build certain things and certain objects a certain way, we even still not SURE about how. We still do not know how looks a real alive dinosaur. Per each 5 years the view on them change. First without feathers, than with, than this adjustment, than that adjustment. It is a big statement to say our generations do KNOW the world, because we don't.
So best is, even if it will become 2012, to live a GOOD and HONEST life and I am sure, no matter what, you will one day get rewarded for it.
Than again, maybe I might just write this perticular post to publish a photo of a half naked young Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia or to place an image of a hot Natalie Portman...