DAV: Not bad, I did find a few new ways to go to express my new visions, but it will take some investment time, specially because it is not so easy to close off the past. Small things still linger and we want to get rid of it.
MS: What is important now in your life?
DAV: Actually to make my family happy and to make my wife feel the best and happy.
The wedding I am preparing for her for next year or after (have to see when is the best time), is to give her something she never had before and during that time I want her to relax and have a good time with me.
MS: How nice of you. For sure I will enjoy it to see you doing your best.
DAV: I hope so.
MS: Some people claim nothing did change so far and you are actually quit a failure. You are not famous, extremely rich, so what you find you did achieve till now?
DAV: Such people are dumb. Fame or richdom in wealth has nothing to do with becoming truelly happy and gain pure knowledge. I am not famous in these plains, but above I am a myth.
I did learn to wheel stars, I did learn to travel by the speed of light, meet mythical cratures and figures noone these days can even imagine, they exist. To make a fake movie or to make some popsong, does not make you on top of the Universe. I never did ask to come in certain situations, but I was driven by love. God took care I did get lost and ended up in situations noone even an imagine, but by taking the long way home, deal with the pain of my people and be patience I came so far, I am even able to create things people never even did thought it will be possible.
A Star Wars copy to make is one thing, to use devices to shape Heaven is another. Heaven is build out of many layers and aspects, ofcourse the bring in of the community counts too.
MS: Do you still have your old powers?
DAV: Not anymore as I used to have. I guess with the job fainting away, my powers also become limited. Do not forget my heart is slowly stopping over a time line of extra 40 years, before I can enter to the end result of my work and dreams and finally can be with you together as we always wanted to be, but that does not mean I use the powers I still have to give a bit of a fronttaste how our time in heaven will be. You will find it very nice and satisfying, I promise.
MS: Hmmm, well I am very curious, but I always say, lets first see and than believe, hihihi.
DAV: I know that.
MS: Some extraordinary things happened latest time, since you are back and arrived to this place to start retirement?
DAV: Not immediate. Mostly I am using my blogs to create an information base for the ones who want and are open to learn another way, to go my road. Ofcourse, you always need to watch out for unespected things happening, like me being foolish enough to be robbed.
MS: Yes, that was a very funny story. Is it now solved? Did you get a new identity?
DAV: Yes, next week I go to fetch my new ID and than over some time my children will get a new identity, when they will be written into my new passport. From there we can move again on a bit. Last night my star did move to a higher level, meaning there is coming a new fase of my life, because possibilities are created. It is a good thing and I am sure my family will enjoy it too.
MS:Ok, thank you for your time, we will speak each other later again, I think.
DAV: Bet you, for sure. Here also a nice song written by Jazz, about how he did find his way home and how I had a similar experience.