People always claim it is not possible to change the future or to influence the future or your destiny and most of people do not believe nowadays that in daily life it is possible to avoid mistakes and miscalculations in our planning, simply because they do not believe it is possible to see what is coming. Most people think to know the future is spiritual connected and is a bunch of fairy tales and lies.
This however is not true. We are able in our daily lives to recognise our future, because the time-axe leaves in certain sceneries, situations and signs tracks behind in the future we programmed for ourselves, which is automatically connected to our past.

In other words, our future is always a reflection in another form of what did happen for us in the past. By recognizing these signs the right way, we ARE able to influence and change the future as we want it ourselves. It takes a bit of an effort and in some cases it is not easy, but for sure we can bend the events on the time-axe as we did program is to our will, by taking the right actions and follow the program to come to a satisfying end result.
Example: (1)I myself ever did find myself sleeping on a rock, in the shape of a bed, from an ancient stone, which was in my experience from the country of Khan, across a most beautiful forest which was surrounded by a canal of water and I did not know the way how to cross, for there was no bridge to find, only roads, that did lead to another road, that came out back to the same channel. (2)Later I did rest on a place with a small rock and surrounded by a small ditch was a small building, with one closed door, looking a bit like a prison.
(3)Further on the line I did sleep in a broken house and across surrounded by a sandroad the same kind of building with one closed door, where someone went in and out, because they had the key.
These 3 situations are similar and reflect both the future and the past in several ways.
All three symbolize a bed and a closed space. The bed represents in this sample my home, which is applicable into the past and present. the closed space is if you look at my first situation the space I have to travel to, to become completly happy.

In situation 3 the water did dry out already, so it does mean, that the path there is found and the door opened and closed already.
During these experiences in between I did get also informed about the details.
After the first situation I did take the road and did find my way to Bila Cerkva and came there to a closed door and moved to Kiev to arrive at the house of Katherina, Victoria and Masha, where I was taken in for rest and food. Than I went away again and I end up in situation 2.
In this time I was in between all by myself and lost personal belongings. The only one guiding me was God and all my friends in nature. Than I did find my way and took the road, that did end me up in situation 3. After that I was alone again and had to sleep out a cold night and in the morning I did find a campement with people, that did help me and did warm me and did feed me, until I passed out. They took my wedding rings and rest of belongings and disseappeared during my pass out, but I did hear one saying: "I do not want to do it." Than 2 of them came back and did help me on the road, protecting me, until I was able to go on my own and again I did end up with the house of Katherina, Victoria and Masha, where I was taken in, rest and feeded until I was picked up by my wife and an ambulance and end up in the situation from the moment where this blog does start.

My present path after situation 2 shows clearly that I have to take the path on my own with all the risks involved and should not be afraid to become totally another person, which makes me happier. The same situation after situation 3 occured and shows I did do ever this road in the path, but did need the help of other people. In this case I considered them friends or people with good intentions, while actually those people were more strangers to me, than I thought. They did take advantage of me, when I was "knocked out", however some of them showed, they were honest ever to me, because clearly they did not want to participate in the "robbery", however they did anyway. Among them however, there were people that did stand up for me and even defended me, while I went on my way out to start my life new again, because I as only one in that situation never had the ability to defend myself, because for some reason I was "knocked out".

Like this our life is filled with signs and symbols existing in the smallest things, that you would say: "Man, that is insane!". But it is not. Everything and every moment in each of our own personal life is programmed for us to experience, because it is part of how we shape it in the future, present and past. Try with that in the back of your mind to apply on your own life and you will be able with the rest of the lessons I gave about Spacephysics, be able to BACKTRACK your future! By using the lessons of the past on the your present situation, when you are in a rut and do not know anymore where to go. There is always a solution and there are many other doors, but WE decide how and when and where we open these doors and go through them.
And if you do not pay attention in your life and take everything for granted, you sometimes open all the wrong doors and end up in unhappiness, time after time after time again.
Using Spacephysics garantuees you not an easy life, but a life how you want it and how you will feel the most happy.