How many of us do not complain about the weather or elements, when it is to hot, to wet, or worser? We blame God for it, but never understand we are able to control ourself very well, through out body, to control any element that does exist.
First you need to learn humility towards to anything existing. Put yourself lower than anything and HONOR everything that does exist. Than you need to learn through meditation, to become one with the elements. You need to be able to feel them from far distances into your heart and into your mind and limbs.
Through prayer to God we are able, to stop it raining, to let the sun shine harder or softer or even wheel hurricanes, tsunami's and earthquakes.
Even to wheel falling stars.
It takes some years of practice, but when felt one with an element, you are able to control and wheel it in the right balance. Pray to God and ask it during rain to stop and give it around max. 10 minutes time and the rain will stop.
An order to an element has to be reworked ofcourse by spacetime, so always count with that. Use the feeling to be one with an element as energy streaming though your body and than be humble, bow to it and ask for the favor, to change its purpose.
It will obey to you, as you obey to them.
Practice again makes master. Good luck...