With an atomic motor in the heart and 4 DFA's on size, you can make with concrete, debris and other materials small botanical wonders, the same way you would make a paludarium.
Gardening in the sky and creative gardening architecture in full freedom will be a bliss to make little wonders as is made in the botanical gardens of Bali, Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon.

It reminds me a repeating dream I used to have, about a friend of mine, Daniel Pires, who leads an art faculty in the heart of Porto, named Maus Habitos. his dream is to go to retire in Brasil, because as being a Portuguese, he did fall in love with the country, as much Portuguese people do. The attraction of the sea so to say, to go abroad.

I did dream he became ill and was not able to realise his life dream, so I did decide to give him as birthday present "Brasil", located on several flying islands above Porto, so he would not miss a thing. It was made by an army of astromech droids from my future family factory and we did build it first with a concrete and debris basic, with an atomic motor in it, driven by 4 or 8 DFA's.
Build on that we made a basic platform, on which we did plant parts of jungle from the Brasil rainforest, like a botanical parc with Rio style roads and buildings in it, where he could rest from his labors. It was a beautiful sight and I am now very excited, that in Switzerland is made a breakthrough with these kind of flying platforms, it makes my dream a step closer.