Ouch! My left hand, wrist and lower arm hurt so much I can barely use it. This has happened before but, after 4 days, it has gone on longer than it ever has before.
When I was at Mayo the docs kept asking me if I have any weakness in them, and after much thought I decided that I wasn't feeling weakness, but now I'm not so sure. I can't hold or carry anything in my left hand with any kind of weight like a glass of water, or a dish, or even a box of cereal. The good thing is that I'm right handed, but even so I really use both my hands and am struggling to do things without my left. Is this weakness? I think it might be.
Why couldn't this have been going on while I was still at Mayo?
I can't help but wonder what could be going on. Does weakness indicate something? Thankfully I'm going to see my neurologist tomorrow. Today I'm just going to try and enjoy my birthday.