Beside the time-axe, there exist ofcourse also the Universe. However, the Universe is more than 1 Universe at the same time. You have the positive side of a Universe and the opposite site is the negative side of the Universe. Let's say our sun and stars in our Universe are positive, the black holes and dimensions behind are the negative Universe.
Further there is the 3 dimensional working on a time-axe of eternity.
Where reality is the grey universe, the total negative, or hell so to say, is the black universe and the total positive, or heaven so to say the white universe.

On the central gates, stars existing in the solar systems, you have the black holes on the other side, that brings you to another universe and on it is the z-axe, a turnable mirror, that can flip the universes and make from a grey universe a white one, from a white one a black and from the black one a grey universe.

Personally I prefer on the eternal universe to end up in the white universe. As in my old blog mentioned, the term of the first heaven or first white universe was an existence of 100 billion lightyears, before the switch did happen, but these problems are solved by adding the grey universe in between, so an eternal time-axe did start to exist, going round and round and round.
Eternity does exist, just lets hope we all end up in the right one.
As Di Able DeVille, all Universes where made positive by the Lamb, but you never know how it will be anyway in a positive black universe. From what I have seen, it is not really pretty.