However you can program your desires, actions and life guide line on the time-axe, it happens, that sometimes or for some people all the time, nothing from it comes out. This has to do, that other desires of other people, who might not like you, are so negative, they can change and destroy the programmed information or make it unreachable.
This is where flexibility comes to look around the corner. You can bump your head to reach the goal, but the doors stays closed to enter the programmed information, that actually was meant for your life. In this case, the only solution is a 'mirror' gate.
A mirror gate is a backdoor, build into your programmed matrix, that you can use to have an alternative, but the same effect, to fulfill the programmed information. You could compare it with an if[], than... else... programmed statement code.
Sample: For the wedding of the Lamb is chosen from origin a Southern European Country with destiny South East Asia as honeymoon. That is the main programmed line. In detail, the south european country is pointed as South-East italy, near the Adriatic coast, because of the Galilean look and for the honeymoon is pointed South-East Malaysia. Possible there is however put a block on this programmed information, so for that, there is build in a backdoor.
It has the same main programmed line: South European Country with honeymoon in South East Asia, but the mirror image of it. It will be in the North West of a Southern European Country and in the North West of a South East Asian country. The same karmic values, but the opposite of the details of the same information. Depending how you turn the mirror, you will get alternatives available always, to reach your goals, no matter how crazy they look.

A mirror gate builds itself in automatically and is always there, the same as dark is the opposite of light. You just need to learn to see it. Think wide and you will see new possibilites in planned programmed information, to make your life always happier, that you thought it would be.
Beside standing in front of it to analize it, you also can travel through mirror gates, because they are always open, when they did not happen yet and you can change the view for anyone else, by turning the gate each way you want and close it behind you, so you create a new unknown secret event in the programming code.
First learn to see it, than learn to use it, that is my advice, but it will take a lot of practice.
:) Good luck!