Learning to travel as light, lesson II:Time jumping
To be able to travel as light, you need lesson XI from Spacephysics: Time jumping.
It is possible physically to skip timewaves, which lets make time faster or slower.
In daily life most people are doing this, when they are really concentrated busy on work or subject they are busy on. We always afterwards look at the clock and say: "Jee, what time went fast."
This is not a coinsedence. Your body literally makes jumps through timewaves.
To conrtrol this technique, you need to meditate and feel all cells in your body. It will feel like your body is light as a feather. Concentrate on moving your body in mind over the time-axe, until you have the feeling by pressing that your body floats through some space movement, while actually your body stays still. This process is jumping through time. Your astral body is hopping over the time waves, making short cut curves, that leads you moving faster through time. You will notice, if you clock it, that for yourself it feels like only a few minutes did pass by, while on the clock 20 or 30 minutes is ticked.
To make you jumping slower on time waves, you do the same exercise, but instead of letting energy floating in, you let now energy floating out and you will feel as your body moves backward, without you physically moving. What happens to be for you maybe 5 minutes, you will see on your clock it only is 1 minute pass by.
This exercise is necessary to be able on later term to move on lightspeed in normal physical movement through dark matter. So, practise, practise and practise, until it becomes a familiar feeling with you. Use it to move through crowds or on jour job, everything is possible, most important is to let your body structure get familiar with this feelings. The protons in your body cells will be able to be heated up or cooled of, which you will need to let you move through space-time with the speed of light.