Here we go.
Summer is in full swing in northern Virginia with temperatures in the mid 90s and a heat index over 100. Between the extreme heat and humidity, the poor air quality alerts and out of control pollen level it has become near impossible to enjoy time outdoors, or anything that requires you to leave the house.
I say sarcastically, Just in time because my husband finally got the offer letter from the job in St Louis. FINALLY! This is a pretty miserable time of year to be moving, but at least we're finally moving.
We've decided that I'm going to go ahead and keep my appt at Mayo on the 8th and then go down to St Louis from there a couple days ahead of my husband, dog and all our stuff to start looking at apartments.
Relocating across the country is complicated and stressful enough all by itself. Trying to coordinate such a move when we're both in different states, far away from the state we are moving to is going to be a real bear to say to the least. For mere survival I will have to let go of many worries. My husband is simply not as careful as I am with packing. He is an arc typical male who has a different definition of clean than I do. There are lots of little things that I worry he won't be able to keep in his head because it won't seem important to him, like the broken wheel on the bottom drawer of our dresser drawer mechanism. If he doesn't notice it, it will likely be lost. I will have to just let go of these worries if I'm going to keep my sanity.
I'll be leaving in less than a week so there is a ton of stuff to do between now and then and my husband will just have to make time to take care of the rest of it. His parents have offered to come and help us with the actual moving, and I bet when they find out I won't be here for the tail end of it they will come a bit early and help him get things together here. That will relieve some of my stress.
It sort of feels like we're doing this the hardest way possible but if I don't take this appt on the 8th my doc can't see me until mid October. I just can't wait that long.
So, here we go...