Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back Online

It has only been a week and a half since I've had Internet access but it has felt like 2 months. I'm so behind on reading blogs I'm not sure I'll be able to catch up. Plus I haven't posted anything in that time so I'm hoping my wonderful followers have not forgotten all about me.

I knew that this blog meant a lot to me, but I didn't realize just how important it is until I was away from it. Oh how I've missed reading the blogs I follow and writing about what's going on with me. I've missed the support and kindness from you-all.

We've managed to get all our stuff into the new apartment and, after a week, I'm about half done with the cleaning, unpacking and arranging. The first several days we were here I really struggled. This move is a coming home for my husband but it was feeling like just another move to me -  and the stress of that on top of the 2 weeks I spent living out of a suitcase and staying with other people, looking for a place to live and then dealing with the mountain of work in front of me was pretty consuming. But the thing is, it isn't just another move. We have all kinds of support here from both our families and from Scott's friends. Plus, I'm now within an 8 hour drive of my hometown. Fortunately, these facts have begun to sink in and I'm not feeling nearly as stressed as I was.

The unpacking is normally my favorite part of moving as it provides the chance to really reevaluate your stuff. Things that worked in the old place don't work the same way in the new place and so on. I don't know if it has been my state of mind, the new medication I'm taking, or the exhaustion but I'm not enjoying it as I have in the past. However, I am feeling a sense of satisfaction as things slowly come together.

My husband started his new job yesterday and with that our sweet dog, Lucy, has finally begun to relax into her old routine. I think she now realizes this is our home and that everything is okay. She still would rather not be left alone, ever, but she is no longer freaking out when one or both of us leaves.

I really must get back to work here, I just wanted to give a quick update and let you know that I'm back online and my blog will be picking up again.