Well, I'm almost out of my Baclofen (muscle relaxer) and I won't see the new Rheum doc until the 16th of August. I'm actually pretty nervous about running out as this is the only medication that has made any kind of positive difference in the frequency of my migraines. Plus it helps me to regularly get good sleep.
I can't remember if I mentioned this earlier or not, but the migraine guy at Mayo that I see didn't want to give me a new prescription for this med because it was not something he has ever prescribed for migraines so he doesn't feel qualified to write the script (whatever). He wasn't budging even after I explained how it helps my migraines. This is what prompted him to send me to physical medicine but then they told me I have Fibromyalgia and this distracted me enough that I totally forgot to even ask about the Baclofen. I've tried calling again to that doc but was told that I should find someone locally for all of this.
Of course, getting a new appointment with someone always takes a long time so run out I will - very shortly. Even on the Baclofen I continued to get muscle spasms semi regularly so I anticipate being pretty incapacitated when the next one occurs. I've been considering utilizing my Ativan to help fill this gap until the 16th. The thinking here being that by putting myself in such a relaxed state perhaps I can prevent the horrible neck spasms and maybe it would even to help me sleep at night.