Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Looking Back

I'm starting to get caught up with things at home after the long weekend. Part of that was adding up my migraines and the number of rescue meds that I took. The numbers say that July was worse than I thought. I had 22 migraines and took 10 (1 more than I should have) rescue meds. This wasn't my fault and I'm not going to feel bad about it. My docs put me in a bad position with the Bachlofen, it has been crazy hot and humid and I spent a good 2 weeks at the hosptial everyday with my grandma so I did what I had to in order to make it through.

Most disappointing was the apparent weight loss that I had. It isn't much, but then again I'm so skinny any loss is more than I can afford. It has been enough of a weight loss to cause me to get a head rush every time I get up. Sometimes I even lose my sight for a bit. This constant head rush sensation translates into more migraine pain. I'm waking up feeling okay (thank you Bachlofen) but the more sitting and standing I do as the day goes on the worse my head feels...

I've been on the Protriptyline for more than a month now and I'm sad to see that I'm not having the same benefits I saw when I was on the Amitriptyline, the munchies (weight gain) and the improved outlook and mood. To make things worse, I am still having the same negative side effects that I had with Amitriptyline: super dry mouth and worsening brain fog. Come Sept I'll try Botox but I guess I'll just need to tough it out until then.