Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Turning 33

I haven't been able to post since Friday. A whole bunch of family (12 people in all) came to town for a long weekend to see my grandma after her hospitalization. I absolutely love it when a bunch of us get together. They are such a fun bunch that I just couldn't resist overdoing it. I think my body must produce some sort of positive chemicals when I'm having that much fun because I feel like I can manage more than usual.

Even though I was completely exhausted by the end of Friday, somehow I managed to continue showing up for festivities right through Monday afternoon when everyone left to go back home. We ate, we talked, we laughed, we played games and took turns going to the nursing home in small groups to visit with grandma. We don't often get together like this but we all wish we did it more. Seems like it takes a wedding or a funeral to pull us all into one place.

The previous week was really tough pain and energy wise, perhaps the pain monster decided to give me a break for the weekend with my family as a kind of reward or early birthday present. I did have one migraine but was able to treat it with my rescue med, take a nap and keep going. Then as soon as I was back home yesterday afternoon a nasty migraine took hold and just refused to budge.

Today is my 33rd birthday and the hottest day of the week. That means I am just going to hide indoors until it's time for dinner. I told my husband I don't care what we did tonight, but I'm not making dinner so we'll probably go out. Or maybe I can convince him to go get take-out so I don't have to go out in this awful heat. This is the 3rd straight week of daily excessive heat warnings and today is no exception. It's gone on so long I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach and kinda dizzy as a result.

Can't wait for fall.