Monday, May 31, 2010

Power of a verb

Everyone thinks that words do no harm and it is ok to use words anyway you want, without thinking to much about what you actually say. But what most people do not realize is that each single word is like a small command and each sentence coming from the heart will be executed as code on the eternal time-axe in our future lifes.

Why it is not immediate execute in the present? Because it is not how the time axe system works.
It takes time to load it up in the right content with the feelings at that moment as it was given from the heart.

Names, wishes, prayers, gossip, curses, swearing and words said out of rage, are all triggers to code something into someones life and sometimes into someone else life, that in one or another way will be made reality further in our lives. So it is important to think and take time, how to formulate your sentences and words all the time and as with environment creating use this aspect of the time-axe in your own profit, to make your life worth living one.

People who take relaxation time and are in peace are easier to make their mind clear and are open enough to pack in their words with the right amount of packing paper coated with the right feelings, like humor, love, positive feelings.

Each word you write, each word you citate and each word you make move, like in a prayer mill is energy, that moves into the open space. There it will get clustered as group of senences in a binairy system to make the right execution program from it. The words that are less valid and empty, just to connect the prayer are considered empty and get the value 0. The words that matter will be considered filled and get the value 1. Like this the time-axe grows on thoughts, feelings and executions of old programmed files from each life form existing. 1 main time line into the future and 1 main time line into the past with the codestrings connecting them, giving the time-axe a bit of a shape of a genetic code, like a DNA string.

In practic it would look like alive codes crossing each other from each living creature in the Universe and all is clustered into shaped channels and tubes, to come each space second to the execution of all codes, programmed for that spacesecond.

Like this step per step, second per second is build in several layers build the time-axe of real time, not human time, and like a program the clusters are building into a realistic creation, where all desires made on the same second certain time in the past becomes for that second reality in our future life. For each letter is a group, that is loaded as a note on a music partiture timeline, each letter given it's own length and value, that becomes a word, that becomes again a group, that becomes a sentence and when the sentences become a group, it becomes a prayer and as prayer it will become executed as program one day pure based on the underlying values in the prayer.


"I wish all my dreams come true, that do make me happy, in the future."

"I(1=name) wish(1=action) {[all(1=amount) my(0) dreams(1=content)]=cluster} come(0) true(1=value), that(1=pointer) do(0) make(1=action) me(1=name) happy(1=value), in(0) the(0) future(1=when)." That makes the binary code look like this:1110101 10111 001
Like this everything is executed in the time-axe, which is cotrolled by the Celestials.

When you put love in each letter and word, you get a bit different code and a better result.
I do appriciate the value of technology and by singing the brand I give them a name, so is my washmachine named Aristone and my diswasher Indesit, while our laptop is named Acer. All names I regurly sing out and I try to take care they stay as clean as possible. When you are good for your machinery, they will be good for you. So a deed, as a word is putted also on a different layer on the time-axe, but words weight more heavy.

People do not realize that there has been wars over a word, for example the name of God.
In the book "God is a Verb" from Marilee Zdenek, there is explained, how the name God from pagan became a Celestial creature, through all the history and cultures and that it is useless to fight a war over a word, if you have the right word or not, while the same being is meant by both words, like God, Jahweh or Allah. In all 3 cases is meant the same being. ALL religions are about the same being, no exception, just because of the geographical laying and different cultures coming out of it, the execution is different because each individual lives in total different worlds and someone in Scandinavia cannot be espected to execute their religion the same way as do people in the Sinai-desert. That is insane. In the end we are talking about one powerfull being, that we try to name, but because people do not know how he/ she looks like, people use it as excuse to fill in their own extreme excesses and use a word to lie about, so a war can be made.

So it is important to take your life slow(In the video "Sun to me" on this website is shown how people do live. a clock strikes a minute and look at the speed some of us do live in. Insanity is all I can say about that.) and think about your steps and specially about what you think and say from the heart. For one day it might become true and you might regret, because after all it was actually not really what you wanted. And regret always comes to late.
Most important is to get your life in balance and stay in peace and find harmony, so you can have mercy with others and do not rush over, so you get unhappiness in your life, because you do code wrong or because you do not believe it matters. For everything matters.
Specially to live a happy life.