However not always recognized Love can become a sin. For example, when the love for someone is to deep and starts to become a burden for someone's surrounding, it goes the wrong way and creates out of it Hate or Sorrow. A lot of people find Hate being a sin, but hate has as it root source Love. The deeper the Hate, the bigger the Love, as count also with Sorrow.
Unfortunate the word Hate is often confused with the word Rage. For example when Israeli troops kill Palestinians, people talk about the Hate both tribes have against each other, but the right word is Rage. Also the word Sorrow is confused with the word Suffer. When people talk about the sorrow people in hungry Africa have, they do mean actually the word Suffer. Sorrow and Hate are in the right use of the verb only connected to matters of the heart, with the root source Love.
When you let Love become Hate or Sorrow, Love becomes a sin and it is difficult to beat the sin Love, for we are so much fooled by only 1 possible side of the word, not the other 2 sides.
It shows however the importancy of the right use of words is, mostly to avoid misunderstandings. Each word in anyway works like a code, so the weight is very heavy.
That is why it is important to have patience and to think about what you say and think in your heart always.