This is called speed dreaming and what you do actually is dreaming a full life from birth till death in the time of 1 night sleep. You can dream to live your life with different partners in the present time, future time or past time.
What is however uncontrolable is the manifestation of the dream coming true, meaning you are really will appear in another place with a real person, being in relationship and experience real life, for it is also this persons desire, but you only are able to remember it as a dream, because you were actually speed dreaming. This is the negative effect ofcourse and unfortunate for the other partners, it might not end up so well, because once the speed dream does stop, because you wake up, you will disseapear out of the life of that partner, leaving them wondered and astonished behind.
A positive side effect is that you are able to be at more places at the same time and have other experiences.
So speed dreaming does give you the ability to have a rich and fulfilled life for YOURself.
It is a matter of choice you will make, inside your own dream, if you will go along with another life you choose, or if you take inside your dream responsibility for the present life you are living in.
Unfortunate, we feel free during dreaming and most dreams are 85% not to control, so unless you are in light sleep, most of all we will follow our dreamworlds dream and desires.
Well, in the end, it is better than speed dating...