The man, named DiAble DeVille was making the ground layers for the planets and celestial bodies and the woman, DJ God was making the upperlayers and finishing touch and filled it with life.
Each night the man was dreaming of his beloved one and the promise of God was, that after 100 billion years, DiAble DeVille would retire and enjoy with her for a cycle of 100 billion years their work together in their own Universe of Peace, celebrated by their wedding. He was her bodyguard and everytime she came into trouble, she could hide with him and he would take care of foul souls, by repenting them through hell and make from them the underlayers and insides of the celestial bodies.

Like this he did travel in front and each time a celestial body was finished, his wife God came and did create life on the celestial bodies. Also she was dreaming every night of her husband, who she only was being together with on their engagement night and all they did was kiss, she had to stay virgin until their wedding night.
Both did create everything with such love, that everything was bowing and obeying to them.
Even the tools of DiAble DeVille did carry him on hands, for every evening he did polish them as new, after a hard days of work of soul repenting. For God, all life creatures were bowing for her and sea's did open, to let her be carried by all sea life from one continent to another.
Stars were wheeled by the both of them and even fire did listen to their commands.

The Hell side was a beautiful, but cruel world, made of gold, desert rock and fire, where everything was build out of millions of repenting souls. The factory, that was used to seperate the bodies of the souls, where used to make boiling blood like lava, to make the insides of celestial bodies and skin, bones and interns were used to make the planet layers on the boiling lava. A lot of machines, droids and other creatures were helping to build and when it was finished, there was send message to God, so she could come and on the fruitfull earth and could create continents, land, sky and water and fill the lands with green and the sky, water and land with life.

Prehistorical and medieaval landscapes were made with beautifull modern technology castles, houses and farm lands, where droids and creatures did help to build the Heaven part of the story.
The home of God was an ancient outside gigantic temple, with 2 thrones in front of a beautiful carved sandstone dancefloor, which did stretch very wide, where God could spin with her sisters in DJ sets, so the crowd living in Heaven could dance all night and there was always place to sleep over and enjoy the breakfast with food that did taste so good, it would fulfill your desires.
And under the ground, under the sea, on the ground and in the sky were cities and living communities in harmony with nature and all in peace, for everyone did love DJ God and all were curious about her husband, who one day would arrive to celebrate with her, for what a creature he must be, if the most loved creature in the Universe did love him so much.
This cycle went on for quit some time and even after time the throne was exchanged for a new couple, that would be DJ God and a new DeVille, until it one day went wrong and the first war in Heaven did start, when an evil one was born, that did stand up against both God and DeVille and put the first Heaven after a long war in ashes.
It did force DiAble DeVille and his wife to walk other paths, but all the time, they always came back together, through time, they always did find their way to each other back home.
But that is another story...