Thursday, June 30, 2011

Looking For Some Help

I'm looking for some advice here:
Now that I'm living in St. Louis I need to find a doctor who can help me with this whole Fibromyalgia thing. The physical med doc I saw at Mayo suggested I see an internist but I am quite sure my complicated medical situation is going to require someone with more specific knowledge of Fibro and intractable migraines. The migraine specialist I am seeing at Mayo made it clear that he won't assist in anything that is outside of the migraines.

From everything I've read so far about Fibromyalgia the treatments often overlap with migraine preventatives and associated treatments. Ideally I could find someone who can help with both, or who is at least willing to work with another doc to coordinate my care. It is all so new and I just don't even know where to start.

I thought maybe you ladies who have Fibromyalgia might be able to give me some advice. What kind of doctor should I be looking for (Neuro, physical med, endocrynologist?)? Have any of you found someone who can help with both? Have any of you had a doctor in the st louis area that you liked? If so, who?

Any thoughts, observations, advice or the like would be appreciated.