Friday, July 1, 2011

Big Weekend Ahead

I'm becoming very annoyed at blogger. I haven't been able to comment on some of your blogs for several weeks now. Some blogs I can comment on without problem but others, for whatever reason, just send me on this cycle of entering passwords over and over. I haven't even been able to comment on my own blog, which is the most ridiculous. AH!!!

Come on blogger, get it together.

Anyway, I wanted to comment on my last blog. It seems clear the Reumatologist is the way to go and Jenn even had a name of someone in my area. Thanks Jenn! I'm going to look her up and give the office a call yet today! I am now also in South County :)

On a completely different note my mom is arriving tonight for a weekend visit. She won't be staying with us as we don't have a 2nd bed but I'm looking forward to visiting with her. When my husband gets off work tonight we're heading over to my uncle's house to meet up with mom and have munchies and such. Saturday night we'll have a big family BBQ and Sunday it will just be the 3 of us for dinner. Then Monday she leaves for MN and hubby and I will head over to the in-laws for a holiday BBQ. It is almost as if we had a life. Oh wait, I think we might actually have one now :)

I only wish I was feeling better so I could enjoy it more. The last 24 hours have been really tough pain wise, head and body. The nausea has been quickly growing since I woke up this morning. Thankfully the bulk of my time this weekend will be with my family and they already know about my health issues and are very kind and understanding. I feel more anxious about time with my in-laws as we have never lived close enough for us to get to know one another.

You know how it is when you have to explain to someone what's going on. You never know how they will respond, if they will understand, if they will judge, if they will say something hurtful or gossip behind your back. I have no reason at all to think that my husband's extended family will be anything but kind and understanding about my limitations and such but the anxiety is there anyway. They are his family and we'll be spending a fair amount of time with them in the years to come so it is important to me that things go well.

Do you ever feel anxious about letting people into your dark world of pain and limitations for the first time?