Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to Business

I'm happy to report that I managed to survive the long holiday weekend of activity. I was out socializing, eating and even taking in some home firecrackers with my extended family. My body struggled to keep up but I took care to just lay and rest between activities. I could have used more time for resting, but I really wanted to make the most of my mom's visit and of the opportunity to eat without cooking so I pushed it more than I normally would have.

With the long fun weekend behind me, there is still much moving business to take care of this week so it is back to work today. It seems many of the address changes we made didn't take so most of our mail still isn't coming to us. I need to secure new car/renters insurance and find a new bank. Plus there are still a few piles of stuff that I need to find a home for and some pictures that need to be hung. I figure I should be able to get all of this done before next weekend. Then I will officially feel moved and at home. Can't wait!

Okay, I need to peel myself out of this comfy chair and get back to it.
What did you do for 4th?