Monday, June 13, 2011

Preparing For The Next Step

Today is likely to be my last full day in Rochester. Unless my insurance comes through with Botox approval, which seems  pretty unlikely right now. Tomorrow I'll drive down to my in-laws house just outside of St. Louis and there I will be.

My body is tired but I've been trying to rest and relax as much as possible this weekend in preparation for what will be a busy couple weeks ahead. I'll spend most of this week exploring the new city and looking for a place to live. My husband, dog and all our stuff will be arriving next week and then we still have the final leg of the move ahead of us.

I can feel myself getting increasingly anxious about everything; staying with my in-laws without my husband, entering week 2 living out of a suitcase with no idea of when I'll feel like I'm at home, trying to balance my health needs with the many tasks ahead and the obligations of visiting people... My stomach has been knotting up and such so I've been trying not to spend much time thinking about anything further out than whatever task is immediately at hand. It's hard to know exactly how effective that has been but it feels necessary and I think I'm benefiting from it.

On a slightly different note, I'm looking forward to being back on my own computer again so I can start posting pictures with my blog posts. Sorry for the lack of them lately!